
clear light bulb
Whenever starting a strategy definition process for a Company, it is always important to bring about healthy debate to the table, to try to shake a little bit what is taken for granted (paradigms) and to avoid staying still in the status quo. For this, I always use with my clients a couple of Powerful Questions: 1)     In what business are we?2)     What is our value proposition, what do we offer to our customers? In Más...
  Categories : Publicaciones  Posted by Admin
blue printer paper
Solving an old PMs dilemma As a Project Manager, over the years, I have found very complex to have MS Project (MSP) calculate a Planned %Work for a given Status Date. This limitation has been discussed with many of my fellow PMs, and we were never able to find an easy way to solve it. I have witnessed PMs manually updating custom fields, or even parallel projects, to try to calculate a Planned %Work. And Más...
  Categories : Publicaciones  Posted by Admin
Estrategia Empresarial
La Planificación Estratégica es uno de los procesos de negocios más importantes que una empresa debe desarrollar, sin embargo es uno de los que menos éxito alcanza en la práctica. Estudios a nivel mundial señalan que más del 70% de las compañías que se embarcan en un proceso de Planificación Estratégica no logran alcanzar los resultados esperados de la misma. La principal causa de este fracaso es la desconexión existente entre los principios estratégicos y Más...
  Categories : Publicaciones  Posted by Admin
Anteros Solutions, Quito, Ecuador
Estamos trabajando en configurar nuestro nuevo sitio. Espéralo Pronto!   Más...
  Categories : Novedades Anteros  Posted by Admin